A Thank You and Kitchen Details

Thank you all so much for your awesome comments on my budget kitchen redo!!!!! It truly feels like a fairytale transformation . . . no magic wand required.

We LOVE it. I am so flattered that so many of you do too!!!

I had several questions as to the source of the ikat material I used for the skirting and it is a Robert Allen fabric which I bought by special order through JoAnn Fabrics (it’s in what I refer to as the “hanger section”). I would link you to it online, but it isn’t on JoAnn’s website that I can find. πŸ™

I did NOT anticipate that my kitchen post would have so many people eager to contact paper their own kitchens!!!! That said, if you attempt this project, PLEASE check the adhesive level of the paper you choose and its reaction to the cabinetry you try to stick it to-every paper and cabinet type and stain/paint/seal will be different. Just test ahead of time and then proceed with common sense so that you do not risk any damage to the existing cabinetry.

It is the first delicious fall day here in Indiana. After surviving one of the muggiest, hottest summers I can remember we are having our first day of overcast and nearly cool weather. I am off to my favorite antique store, which just happens to be a stone’s throw from our new house, to do some shopping for the living room makeover. I am working on the living room, our bedroom and Wynn’s nursery all at the same time right now so I am not sure which will be featured next . . . today’s antiquing might decide that for me. Just waiting on the right inspiration to kick one of the projects to the forefront.

I think I will stop for an applesauce donut on the way. Celebrate that bikini season is finally over? Sounds fantastic to me!
Happy Saturday, friends!

And today, more than ever, God bless America.


  1. Kudos Erin…you deserve it! The kitchen was fantastic and I can’t wait to see what you do with the other rooms. We’ve had some cooler temps this way too, and I am loving it! That donut sounds yummy.

  2. Can’t wait to see your other transformations, Erin. You’re an inspiration!
    Hope you find some great goodies at the antique shop, and enjoy that applesauce donut. Yummy! πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Erin…I’m new here…but I just love what you did with your kitchen…it takes a lot of work – especially when you have a baby!! trust me! I know!!

    i also – absolutely love that picture below with you holding your baby that way – there’s nothing more than warms my heart when I see a mother loving her children
    Anne Marie

  4. Can’t wait to see the other transformations! Happy shopping!(That donut sounds yummy!)

  5. I have enjoyed your blog for awhile. I am excited for your new adventure. I was wondering if in the midst of all of this, if you have heard of Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University? We took this class a year ago and it has completely changed our lives for the better also. I couldn’t not tell you about this if you have not already heard of it. I wish you God’s wonderful blessings on your family.

  6. Looking forward to seeing other transformations. You, yourself are inspiration. Trying to live a little simpler here too, which is requiring a huge clean out of closets, etc, and I am loving the simplicity. Jackie

  7. Looking forward to seeing your other projects…enjoy that doughnut!

  8. I am waiting with baited breath–truly–for your next project. And your husband should be, too, ’cause like he said, it will be fabulous. πŸ™‚

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