Beach Boy

We are enjoying our last few weeks in North Carolina before we head back to our Michigan beach cottage for the summer. This past weekend we drove to the South Carolina coast and spent a magical four days on the water.  The temperature was just perfect and we even saw dolphins playing in the surf.  I see so much of God’s love for us at the coast.  It is the perfect playground.  How deep the Father’s love for us! 
The short vacation did me so much good, I feel revived after many tough months of pregnancy and I finally feel my nausea and exhaustion going away, which is an absolute answer to prayer.  

Looking forward to several more months beach-side, as we head back to Michigan at the first of June.  I am itching to get back in our cottage!  We have had some professional renovations done this spring and I am eager to see the results in person!  And of course share many pictures here.  

Rejoice, friends.  Every hard season comes to an end.  The tides come in and then recede.  Our Lord is faithful through it all.  

For you are loved. 

Deeply, deeply loved. 


  1. ooo! We are trying to plan a week at our cottage in Leelanau end of august. I would love to see you-even if breifly on our way up there…maybe even at House of Flavors! 🙂

  2. I so needed your words this morning! Thank you and I love seeing the photos of the coast and I can’t wait for you beach cottage updates! Glad to hear you’re feeling somewhat better.

  3. He is so beautiful Erin and your photography is amazing. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your updates to the cottage! (and I wish you could make a stop in Indiana on the way back 🙂

  4. Congratulations! He is SO cute all squished in there. There is an advantage to finding out…all that preparation and fun shopping to do…and baby naming! So excited for you and hope you are feeling good. I can’t believe how big Wynn looks, what a sweet boy.

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