Settling In

Greetings from the other side!

The move is finally behind us and we are settling into the new house. Boxes are still everywhere but this little place feels more like home with every passing hour. I didn’t expect to feel “at home” in the way I do. I’m hoping this is a gift of obedience and not just a delay before seller’s remorse sets in. If I could paint you a picture of this new place it would be alive with the color of possibility. More soon and much more frequently, I promise . . .


  1. can’t wait to hear more about your adventure and see more pictures of the new space you are calling home.

    doubt very seriously there will be seller’s remorse. you listened and obeyed…the peace that follows will overwhelm you. 🙂

  2. Erin,
    So glad you are getting settled in and are at peace with the move. Cannot wait to see your new home. And some updated pictures of Wynn…he has got to be getting so big!
    (((Hugs))) Lauren

  3. I am very happy for you and love your positive attitude and remember that God will take care. When you let him drive for a bit, you never know where you’ll end up, but you know it’s always going to be in a good place. ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  4. Best wishes! Enjoy making it just as beautiful as your old home! I know it will be just the way you imagine it 🙂 It’s always a home when you have the ones you love with you…it will be a wonderful new place to call your home 🙂

  5. Glad to hear you are settling in and that the move went well. You listened, you obeyed therefore you will be blessed.

    I am looking forward to seeing your new home. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  6. What God showed me yesterday while I was lamenting the sale of my country get-away property: If a dream dies, it was not the dream God had for me (for now, anyway). God bless you.

  7. Glad you are settling in and seeing yourself content with the move as a blessing of obedience. What a great perspective. Looking forward to seeing more. Have a blessed week. Jackie

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