Spring Thaw

Dear Spring Thaw,

Thank you for showing your face to us today.

Thank you for making mountains of snow into puddles for splashing.

Thank you for the gift of hope of warmer days to come.

“For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone . . .
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along!’ “
Song of Solomon 2:11-13


  1. Cute post. Love the red boots in the snow (or slush, I should say!)
    P.S. what kind of camera do you use? It takes nice shots. I’m camera shopping (hopefully this spring….c’mon, income tax refund! 😉

  2. I just came across your blog via the Lettered Cottage and LOVE this post – mainly because I get to share in your joy! Seeing the grass, albeit brown and crunchy, after months of snow and ice is so refreshing.

  3. Oh lets hope the worst is over. I do wish it would snow here for a few days and then go away..I’m not sure I could take cold and snow everyday, LOL.



  4. Hi, Erin, I popped over from my friend, Layla’s & now WOW, a beautiful new blog to look at. I love what I see so far & can’t wait to come back to visit again. Stop by & see me sometime. I know my style is different than yours, but you might find some inspiration.

  5. I’ve been searching for a pendant light similar to the one in your dining room for months now. I found one I love (by Visual Comfort for $900) but i’d like to avoid spending that much if I can. Do you mind sharing where you picked up your pendant?

  6. hi I am new here. really love your site and you have a beautiful home. There is really NOTHING like this in tropical singapore.

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